How to Hike With a Swedish Person
Nowadays you’ll find nearly every nationality on trail, so chances are you’ll run into a Swede or two. And if you’re lucky enough to end up hiking with one, here’s how to do it.
The Scariest Place in the World
My thru-hikes and travels have taken me through areas with grizzly bears, spiders, snakes, poisonous plants and cruel environments. But this place is the scariest of them all.
Why Creativity is a Butterfly
Butterflies live through four different cycles – egg, caterpillar, pupa and the adult butterfly. Much like the butterfly, your creativity must go through the same cycle.
Queen of Rejection
There are few things in life that gets to us the way rejections do. And unlike what we may have been told, this is one where practice doesn’t makes perfect.
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Freelancer
You’re an expert in your field, you know what kind of content you need and you can write. So why should you hire a freelancer to do just that? Here are 5 reasons why.